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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Management Consultancy

For BSA Level 4 and BSBA-FMA Level IV-A, IV-B and IV-C.
Listed below are topics for classroom discussion.
Write down your comprehensive discussion in a journal or notebook. Same will be used during your actual fieldwork to your client.


1. Engagement Letter.
2. Distinguish between Consultation and  Engagement.
3. Management Consultants
4. Important considerations  that a consultant should take into account in determining the scope of service that he could render.
5. In what ways can a consultant  add value to client.
6. What are the factors that determine the degree the degree of competence required  in a particular MAS engagement.
7. How may competence and proficiency in Management Consulting  work be acquired  and developed by a consultancy professional.
8. What are the common barriers for effective communication between the client and the consultant.
9.What are the project management skills and consulting process skills management consultant should possess.
10. How should the results of engagement be communicated to the client.


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  2. Case 7

    Yes, he will accept the engagement because as an owner he will develop an marketing program to his firm, he have relevant information to identify circumstances and relationship to tobacco manufacturer that create threats to independence as a whole organization, and if tobacco manufacturer is in demand in the market , the owner of the firm will lower the charge than tobacco manufacturers.

    Case 2
    After an exhaustive study and knowing that the president should be remove from his position, I will tell him personally and show to him his performance that he is not a good president of an organization.


  3. Case 7
    As a sole owner of my own management consultancy I wont accept the engagement because I want to focus and develop what i have started. It doesn't matter if i have to pay many full time workers what important is the dedication and honesty of the workers must be worth it. And i believe that a good relationship between the employer and employee will be the best way towards a good success of a business.

    Case 2

    If the removal of President's position will be the best way to reach the efficiency of a company,i would rather make a step to call for a board meeting to discuss confidentially the ways of meeting the effective management. Knowing the fact that changing management is not so easy for a company but all that are engage in the business should have an openness in accepting every decision as long as business is concern.

  4. Case 3

    I will tell the president that i saw some antiquate data in the shareholders annual report. And as a consultant, I have the right to advise them, what is the right action should they they do. I will talk the president sincerely about what he's doing is wrong. And it wasn't right that he persuade the board of directors to discharge me because of that particular reason. I will tell of what i think is right, and if he didn't agree with me that will be the reason that I ask for a resignation so that there's no need to discharge me..

    Case 7

    It is unethical for me to accept the engagement. As a concerned citizen of the Philippines, I should protect my environment and my fellowmen, by not smoking and also not to accept the engagement. I don't want to be a hypocrite person, because personally i don't smoke that's why I didn't accept the engagement that manufacture tobacco made for cigarettes. It is useless for me to gain more profit that come in a wrong way of doing a business. And as a business minded person I just follow the ethical behavior in doing a business. It's good enough for me to earn even though a small amount but having a clean conscience.

  5. Case 4
    I will accept the job, I will take the risk to help them to sell the bonds, because the 50 percent chance to go on the expansion is reliable enough to continue the project. I will help them to sell the bonds on higher amount to gain higher profit. I will give them some strategies and procedures to sell the bonds that will give them a high profit. I will develop and give them the correct process to sell the bonds. I will take the risk even though there are some problems that may occur because the higher the risk the higher the return.
    Case 5
    I will tell the president that I already made the recommendations and the findings on the said projects according to what he expected. But the conclusion of the study must be made by all who is involve because maybe my conclusion is not the same to others. The opinions and comments of others must be gathered in order to formulate a better and non-bias decision. Even his opinion as a president is needed, and it must be given a time to have a brain storming to this final conclusion. Two heads is better than one, so I will recommend to the president to have a meeting on this matter to have a fair, correct and reliable conclusion.

    Aivony M. Blancia fma 4c

  6. CASE 2
    It is not necessary to remove the president from his position. As a consultant your job is to solve the problem. Instead of removing the president it is better to give him advice to an effective performance. One way of solving it is to recommend techniques and standards that are really helpful for the improvement of the company’s policies. And it should be implemented not only by the president but also by the employees of the company.

    CASE 6
    As an internal control you should follow the tasks assigned to you. Now a day we need to be practical. Do what is right and good for the company even though there are persons who are in higher position involved in the problem. Apply the necessary actions to solve the problem.


    CASE 5:in this case, if i would follow the president's instructions then the independence of our firm in making a reliable conclusion that has been based on the study conducted would be influenced affecting the integrity of our firm. I should not be influenced by the president even if he got the power over the manufacturing firm. For we are engaged to make recommendations and conclusions out of the study and not out of the instruction of the president of the manufacturing firm that we are studying. I should make the conclusions out of the study. Therefore, I should stand with the independence of the firm in making recommendations, and conclusions without being influenced.

    CASE 2:

    I would express what has been in my findings. We are employed to make the honest, truthful and reliable conclusions that would help the company in improving its efficiency. If i would not make the conclusion that the president should be removed then it will not make the company improve its efficiency. It is on how the president would accept the outcome of the study. We are just doing what we are employed for.

  8. shirly c. gador fma 4a

    case 2

    The firm is employ by the president of the company, after an exhausted study the consultant come up to a conclusion that the president should be removed from his position. It would be noted that before the happening of the engagement, the scope and limitation has been conveyed, the same as through the manner of expressing the consultant recommendation and suggestion. The case is, what are the action we should take into consideration. Apparently, we could not jump into a certain conclusion without going further into deep investigation. On my opinion, the consultant should dig deeper information and evidences that would proved that their conclusion was is correct. But in any case, that the company will not accept, and then it’s all up to them. What is important is the consultants are doing their job well and without malice to everyone who is concern

    case 3

    One of the qualifications of the consultant is being independent. They are hired to make various recommendations and that should be implemented towards the company. In this case if it is happen that the consultant’s independence will be impaired, then I would suggest that he will abstain from his job. But if he his courageous enough and sure by himself that he can do his job rightly, then he may as long as he could maintain the sense of integrity. The consultant should make valuable recommendation that will convince that his recommendation could benefited more than before. Most of all the consultant should not after the salary he could compensate but foremost he should consider the service he could provide is efficient.


  9. Case 2

    In this case maybe the president, he had done something wrong to the company because after an exhausted study, why the consultant removed the president? But before anything else the consultant should be detailed the formality of documentation will vary according to the nature and scope of the engagement. The documentation should demonstrate that the due care has been exercised. It should record as appropriate an evidential matter and its source, the alternatives considered and the analytical process leading to specific recommendation.

    Case 5

    In this case, the president can’t instruct me, it I my decision followed. I will continue my studies of top management even though he instructed me to what expected the recommendations and findings to be. If I come up with the conclusion, that the result of my studies are reliable, efficiency and independent I can give a positive conclusion in the my studies but if I will come up with the result of a negative conclusion, like I found out that there is inefficiencies, fraud or mistakes at their top management. I will conclude a negative recommendation or feedbacks about their top management.

  10. Case 2

    I think as a consultant the action that I should take is that I will present to the board the fault done by the president even though he is the one who employed my firm to make an overall policy study. It is for the company to decide whether to remove the president or not. If the matter remains unresolved, I should consult with other appropriate persons with in the firm for employing organization to legal advisors to help in obtaining resolutions.

    Case 7

    Doing the right thing. You can’t do much better than consistently try to do the right thing.
    For me, if it is not good for other people then I would not accept the engagement. I want to be honest in performing such services, not for my own sake but also for the others. It is not proper that while I am enjoying the profitable consulting contract that have been offered to me. There are people who are suffering because of tobacco manufacturing. I will take the job that can be benefited by others in a nice or good way.

  11. Case 5

    I should tell the president that independence should be given importance during the entire study of the top management. Having an independent position with her, I’ll make certain that advice to her is based on impartial considerations of all pertinent facts. She should not instruct me as to what she expects to my recommendations and findings because as a consultant of their firm, it is my obligation that my statements of findings and recommendations are free of intentional distortions or misstatements. It is my obligation to her and on the need to avoid impairment of public confidence in my profession. I will communicate to her my recommendations effectively and assist her in implementing recommendation.

    Case 7

    I think it is ethical for me to accept the engagement. We all know that cigarette smoking is not good for the health and we are warned by the government, still the people who are used to smoke will remain smoking. Even though the contract offered has a conflict to my interests, I should not take it personally because it is for the good of my own management consulting practice. As the owner of the firm, I will accept the engagement, for the offer will help our firm as well as to my employees. I should undertake engagements that can be completed with professional competence and necessary qualifications.

  12. Case 2

    Since after I have done all the necessary observations, test, and other procedures that are needed in the said engagement and I have come up to this conclusion that the president should be removed from his position, then I will notify the authorities in the said company. For, I am only doing the job assigned to me without any prejudice to any person/s in the company, I am maintaining the said credibility and standard working ethics.

    Case 8

    No, its not ethical to accept this arrangement since logically speaking this engagement will affect your credibility and since as a consultant you are expected to work independently without being influenced by any person, or you must do your work without biases.

  13. Case 5

    In this case, I will do what I think is right. My response would be, I will follow what the president have instructed me. Provided that whatever her expectations, recommendations and findings will coincide with mine. With that we could have a better relationship with each other so as to the manufacturing firm. And to come up with conclusions which will be useful for the firm.

    Case 7

    No, it is unethical to accept the engagement being offered. It is because I don't think that it would be the right thing to do. Yes, I have to hold the expectations of the people for the past few engagements that has been successful but I also have to consider the fact that it would affect the lives of its possible users. To think that success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. So do if you love what you are doing you will be successful.

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  15. case 5: I highly recommend to the top management that improved competitive position. In manufacturing firm it is better to undergo significant transformation. manufacturing firms should posses more innovative in both new processing technologies and administrative practice. An aggressive manufacturing technology policy can make a big difference in this study.

    Case 15
    The possible implications of this study is to adopt a competitive accounting system. The management must prefer to have a critical thinking about this problem. She must improved her skills to come up the good idea. It is better that the management will provide a management advisory and consulting services.

  16. Case 2
    The action that should be taken is to present the study to the president, explain what are your basis that you come up to the conclusion that the president must be remove from his position and also you can suggest that according to the president to remain his position he must know the responsibility, the policy of the company that he no longer using or implementing and also in order to the company to improve efficiency.
    Case 7
    NO, Before accepting the engagement you must now first the effect to the society or to the consumer, as a sole owner you are looking forward for the improvement of your firm, but considering the ethical term you already know the effect to the people so you must not accept the proposal in relation to that if the client under the terms or condition are might impair objective, independence or integrity you can no longer serve the client.

    As a consultant this illegal practices should be open and discuss to BOD that we discover illegal payments, fraud, and other questionable management practices. The practices might be cause for loosing their corporation if it will continue. So the BOD will decide to eliminate or punished the employee who committed illegal actions. Through this consultancy the corporation will be more strict to employee and management.They will implement the legal and good management practice to their employee.

    Case 15
    In this situation Ju and Grace will change their old system to computerized production system. This will enable to improve their production,to broad or enhance the knowledge of staff that engaged.It is more efficient and less mistakes in doing things especially in financial aspects.It is more easy to locate the problem in production. This new production system shows that the company is competetive when it comes to technology.

  18. Case 4
    I will accept the job, I will take the risk to help them to sell the bonds, because the 50 percent chance to go on the expansion is reliable enough to continue the project. I will help them to sell the bonds on higher amount to gain higher profit. I will give them some strategies and procedures to sell the bonds that will give them a high profit. I will develop and give them the correct process to sell the bonds. I will take the risk even though there are some problems that may occur because the higher the risk the higher the return.
    Case 5
    I will tell the president that I already made the recommendations and the findings on the said projects according to what he expected. But the conclusion of the study must be made by all who is involve because maybe my conclusion is not the same to others. The opinions and comments of others must be gathered in order to formulate a better and non-bias decision. Even his opinion as a president is needed, and it must be given a time to have a brain storming to this final conclusion. Two heads is better than one, so I will recommend to the president to have a meeting on this matter to have a fair, correct and reliable conclusion.

  19. case 2
    after the exhaustive study, and I come to a conclusion that the president itself should be removed from his position. the action that I will be taking is that I will lay the cards to the management regarding the circumstances. i will explain to them as far as I can in order for them to understand the result of the study, I would also add that it's for the efficiency of the company, because maybe beyond the knowledge of the president something is going on that affecting the company and the president itself.

  20. case5
    as a consultant engage in consulting a firm it is one of the essential element that you should be independent, meaning the opinion that you'll making is based on the result of the study. and if the president insist to do as he say so, i will recommend to him that he'll look for other consultant for if i will follow his instruction it will ruin my reputation as a consultant.

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  23. case#3Professional skepticism would tell you not to tolerate this kind of situation. Money is not merely the main concern here. Accepting the engagement with integrity, and credibility will be the main reason of engaging on it. Although the client was profitable still you are using your name on it. You are just doing what is right and proper.Many are being dependent on your work.

  24. case #4 being the consultant of the said hospital and because of the reputation i had i preferred to be keen and consider the following; of such prevailing quorum and as far as professionalism concerned probably the thing is weigh the situation before accepting the engagement;because you are already aware of such previous study done and the reason only for getting you is just your name to use it as a financing way the its up to you to think of it;and because as far as consultancy concerned being ethical is the important thing that matters. As far as profitability concerned well then its not the big thing to be considered. What is important is the credibility you've shown.

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  28. jONAH Mae Geocadin

    The action that should be taken is to present the study to the president, explain what are your basis that you come up to the conclusion that the president must be remove from his position and also you can suggest that according to the president to remain his position he must know the responsibility, the policy of the company that he no longer using or implementing and also in order to the company to improve efficiency.


    The business start from his own he should end up it with himself.He should do what he think for the best for his own company without conscience.I want to be honest in performing such services, not for my own sake but also for the others. It is not proper that while I am enjoying the profitable consulting contract that have been offered to me. There are people who are suffering because of tobacco manufacturing. I will take the job that can be benefited by others in a nice or good way
