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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Draft Deadline

Apprentice. The deadline of submission of the first draft of Case problem is scheduled on December 2, 2011. Email to bourgeschuaz19@yahoo.com (the grammarian) and joemen0106@yahoo.com.ph. Beat the deadline!!! Good luck guys.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Discussion Meetings

Apprentice. Friday, November 25 is the deadline for the submission of engagement process a nd discussion with the Client. Beat it!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Beat the deadline. Do your interviews, engagement procedures  and related fieldwork assignments within the time frame. Give your best shot. CHMSC Excels!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Calling the attention of the The Apprentice to observe deadlines. A deduction will be made for each day of delay! Please be guided accordingly.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Audit Cases for MA 3

BSBA MA Level 3 - Case Analyses. Present your answers (briefly) on the following cases as comment under this post.
Chapter 1 page 34 Case No. 1
Chapter 2 page 56 Case No. 3
Chapter 3 page 86 Case No. 5
Thank you.. God bless.

The Client

Proposal letters are coming and the clientele has been identified. Good job FMA 4b!!!! What about FMA 4a and 4c?

Case Studies

The Apprentice of Management Consultancy is required to submit under this post 2 case analyses from the 2010 Edition book of Ms. Elenita B. Cabrera - Management Consultancy.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Engagement Letter

The final draft of the engagement letter is on Thursday, November 10  for FMA 4A and 4C and November 11 for FMA 4B and BSA 4.

First Day High Lecture

For those who missed the first lecture of Management Consultancy Lecture Series, the power point is attached on this blog. Be responsible to read and review related materials. Refer to management Consultancy by Cabrera 2010 Edition.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Management Consultancy

For BSA Level 4 and BSBA-FMA Level IV-A, IV-B and IV-C.
Listed below are topics for classroom discussion.
Write down your comprehensive discussion in a journal or notebook. Same will be used during your actual fieldwork to your client.


1. Engagement Letter.
2. Distinguish between Consultation and  Engagement.
3. Management Consultants
4. Important considerations  that a consultant should take into account in determining the scope of service that he could render.
5. In what ways can a consultant  add value to client.
6. What are the factors that determine the degree the degree of competence required  in a particular MAS engagement.
7. How may competence and proficiency in Management Consulting  work be acquired  and developed by a consultancy professional.
8. What are the common barriers for effective communication between the client and the consultant.
9.What are the project management skills and consulting process skills management consultant should possess.
10. How should the results of engagement be communicated to the client.